November 1, 2007

Patching Considerations in Windows Environemnts

Recently while applying ATG RUP5 patches in Windows environment, relink activity in copy portion of u driver failed. And then i checked the log file, and found the following message.

awk: 4277: not found
grep: 4277: not found
grep: 4277: not found
awk: 4277: not found

I found a Note:4127315.1 in metalink, saying that, we have to place the mksnt executables in PATH before system32 exectables. Because executable 'sort.exe' provided by windows also, available in C:\Winnt\System32 folder. And then i checked my APPSORA.env, it was looking like below.

SET PATH=C:\mksnt;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32

As said in Metalink note 'mksnt' directory is before 'system32'. But it is not working. And then i returned to APPSORA.cmd sourced command prompt and typed 'ls'.

It said " 'ls' is not recognized as an internal or external command " and then i opened another command prompt without sourcing APPSORA.cmd found that following mksnt direcotries are in PATH.


I copied the same and added infront of 'system32' in APPSORA.env. After setting this, PATH vaiable in my APPSORA.cmd was looking like this,

SET PATH=C:\mksnt\bin;C:\mksnt\bin\X11;C:\mksnt\mksnt;C:\mksnt;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32

Now again i sourced the APPSORA.cmd and verified that, executables are in PATH and picking up from mksnt folder.

which sort make awk sed

Applied the patch. Now the relink has been done successfully.