December 25, 2006

Oracle Applications 11.0.3 to Upgrade

For the past one week we are working in a Oracle Applications 11.0.3 to Upgrade. We are currently in testing phase. So for testing we have taken the copy of 11.0.3 instance and cloned in another machine. And then upgrading the database to and applications to

The current techstack of the 11.0.3 Instance is,
i) Oracle Database
ii) Oracle Applications 11.0.3
iii) Oracle Forms and Reports 4i
iv) Oracle Discoverer 3i

After upgrade the techstack will be,
i) Oracle Database
ii) Oracle Applications + AD.I.4 + 11i.ATG_PF.H RUP4 + 11i.FIN_PF.G
iii) Oracle Forms and Reports 6i Patchset 18
iv) Oracle Discoverer 4i

Regrading H/W, it is single node installation.
11.0.3 Production server is running Sun Solaris 5.8
The new server will be running Sun Solaris 5.10

References :-
Part No. A96530-02 Oracle9i Database MigrationRelease 2 (9.2)
Part No. B19297-01 Upgrading Oracle Applications Release 11i (
Note:216550.1 Oracle Applications Release 11i with Oracle9i Release 2 (
Note:139516.1 Using Discoverer 4i with Oracle Applications 11i

I'am Back !!

Happy christmas everybody!! Somewhat one year back i created this blog. But after that i had no time(??) to write something in the blog. I started this blog to write about oracle applications DBA activities with the help of my friends.

Fine, in future you can expect something from this blog.

Purging Junk files from DBTier filesystem.

Often DBA's are facing disk full or excessive rate of disk usage issues. Excessive disk usage are caused by junk and temporary files that are created by various oracle programs that we are running. Also it slows down the full cold backup. Periodically we should cleanup the junk and temporary files from the database tier and apps tier filesystem in order to free up the filesystem and to speed up the backup process. The following discusses some of the areas that are need to be checked.

Database Tier Filesystem

bdump, cdump, udump directories

We can get the bdump, cdump, udump directories using the following SQL.
SELECT name, value FROM v$parameter WHERE name IN ('background_dump_dest','core_dump_dest','user_dump_dest');

From Oracle Manual :-
background_dump_dest stores trace files for the background processes (LGWR, DBWn, and so on) and an alert file alert_sid.log (where sid is the system identifier).
core_dump_dest It is primarily a UNIX platform parameter, which stores core dump files of oracle processes.
user_dump_dest stores the debugging trace files of oracle user processes.

In the above directories, we can keep only 7 days old log, trace files for reference and after proper backup, we can delete other files.

find $ORACLE_HOME/admin/bdump -name *.trc -mtime +7 -ls -exec rm {} \;
find $ORACLE_HOME/admin/cdump -mtime +7 -ls -exec rm {} \;
find $ORACLE_HOME/admin/udump -mtime +7 -ls -exec rm {} \;

Under background_dump_dest, the alert_SID.log will grow slowly. So we need to truncate it.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/admin/bdump;
cp alert_SID.log alert_SID.log_`date +"%d%m%Y%H%M%S"`;
tail -1 alert_SID.log > alert_SID.log;

Whenever you are logging into database with sysdba priviliges, oracle server will record the session details in this diretory. Here also we can keep only 7 days old aud files for refernce and we can delete other files.

find $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/audit -mtime +7 -ls -exec rm {} \;

Here you can find a log file called, sid.log This file is the listener log file. We can also truncate this file.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin;
cp sid.log sid.log_`date +"%d%m%Y%H%M%S"`;
tail -1 sid.log > sid.log;

Some of the other directories that are need to be checked.

References :-
Note:296354.1 How Do You Reduce The Size Of An Alert Log That Is Too Large To Edit while the DB is running?
Note:1012933.6 General Information: Alert Logs and Trace Files

December 16, 2006

Oracle HRMS for India Installation.

Objective : Install the Oracle HRMS for India and Oracle Payroll for India Legislation.

I have installed Oracle Applications on HP-UX PA RISC 64-Bit. While installing i licensed Oracle Human Resources, Self-Service Human Resources and Oracle Payroll products only. And then applied the following patches,

Advanced Techonology Stack
1. Patch 4712852 - Minipack 11i.AD.I.4
2. Patch 4676589 - 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4 (RUP 4) [ With Pre and Post-Requisties]

Oracle Human Resources Family Pack
Note: comes up with only 11i.HR_PF.H Family Pack. We need to apply the latest available.
1. Patch 3500000 - 11i.HR_PF.K HRMS Family Pack [ With Pre-Requisties]
2. Patch 5055050 - 11I.HR_PF.K RUP 1 HRMS K Rollup Patch 1 [ With Pre-Requisties]

Oracle HRMS for India legislative patches
Note: Always Refer Note:145837.1 Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch Available for latest HR Global patches.
2. Patch 5148398 - INDIA HRMS CONSOLIDATED HRGLOBAL PREREQ D [ With Pre-Requisties]
3. Patch 5501268 - Statutory update to Income Tax rounding effective July 13, 2006

After applying the above patches run Run DataInstall as applmgr user at application tier,
java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall thin
Ex: java oracle.apps.per.DataInstall apps apps thin wiporaapps01:1581:UPG

There Enter into option 1 and choose Global, Oracle HRMS India, Oracle Payroll India to install.
Now choose option 4 to exit. It will ask wheather to save the changes, press Y to save the changes and exit.

Now you have selected the legislations that need to be installed. Run hrglobal.drv to install/update the selected legislations.
Login into application tier as applmgr user
From directory $PER_TOP/patch/115/driver invoke adpatch utility
while the adpatch asking for driver file specify hrglobal.drv

It will install the selected legislations.

***From Note:145837.1 - For customers wishing to also apply translated legislative seed data, please apply the relevant language specific version of the consolidated translation patch 5726592 after successfully completing the hrglobal.drv.

Now you can proceed with other post-installation activities like, Convert to Multi-Org, Configuring Discoverer, Applying latest Family Packs.

Note:145837.1 Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch Available
Note:283267.1 APAC HRMS Mandatory Patches
Note:135266.1 Oracle HRMS Product Family - Release 11i Information