June 10, 2009

Using Set Override Address in Worklow Notification Mailer [ATG_PF.H/R12]

What is "Set Override Address"?

"Set Override Address" option is available in ATG_PF.H.Rollup 3 OR Above / R12

As pre Note: 377416.1,

" After ATG.H RU3 , the override address replaces the 'test address'. The purpose of this setting is to provide a test address which will receive ALL outbound notifications from the notification mailer.

The mailer will redirect or 'override' all outbound mail to this address, regardless of the original recipient.

This is useful for testing purposes where the mailer functionality must be confirmed yet where the mass mailing of pending test notifications to a user community is not wanted. "

When "Set Override Address" is set, Workflow Notification Mailer sents all Workflow Notifications / Oracle Alerts related mails to the address that you specified in "Set Override Address" instead of the actual recipients.

We can use this in the following occasions,

  1. After cloning, don't want Mailer to sent the Notifications / Alerts to production users
  2. In Test instance want all Notifications / Alerts to particular Mail address

How to set "Set Override Address"?

  1. Log into Oracle Applications Manager [OAM]
  2. Navigate: Site Map / Administration tab / Workflow section / Notification Mailer / View Details / Set Override Address Button
  3. Give a valid Email Address / Submit


  1. System Administration Responsibility
  2. Navigate: Workflow Manager / Notification Mailer / View Details / Set Override Address Button
  3. Give a valid Email Address / Submit

Mailer will send an email to the new Override Address that has been entered in OAM, just to verify the email Address is valid.

The email includes a Verification Code, that must be entered in OAM to confirm the new Override Address

How to clear "Set Override Address"?

  1. Log into OAM.
  2. Navigate: Site Map / Administration tab / Workflow section / Notification Mailer / View Details / Set Override Address Button
  3. Click on button "Clear Override Address"


740110.1 How To Clear the Test / Override Address Used By Java Mailer On Post-ATG_PF.H.Rollup 3 Instance?

415721.1 Which tables stores the NEW test address 'set override address' ?

743282.1 Email Notifications are not Sent to Users after Configuring the Workflow Mailer

377416.1 Can Not Set Test Override Email Address In Notification Mailer After Atg.H Rup3